Hydrostatic - Testing Trucks

Hydrostatic Testing Trucks
Hydro Testing Trucks
Swivel Rental Hydrostatic Testing Trucks are designed for fast and safe operation with unsurpassed reliability. Test above or below slips, we are equipped to do it either way. As standard practice, our trucks carry all the equipment needed to fulfill your requirements. We offer bar tools or drag bars with the ability to test tubing and casing ranging in sizes 2-3/8“ through 3-½“ while tripping in either direction (in or out of the hole). Our tools are always equipped with drift rings sized appropriately for the pipe being tested. This practice insures the pipe I.D. is what it should be and no crimped joints slip by unnoticed. Pressure is held on each stand for a sufficient amount of time to ensure there are no high pressure collar leaks, pin holes, splits or weak areas within the string of tubing. Each unit is equipped with 15K P.S.I.
Hydro Testing Trucks